The garden in May

What a wonderful start to May, but don't be fooled into planting your bedding without protection. We could still get a frost right up to the end of the month.

*garden centres will be stocking up a wide range of bedding. Plant up pots and hanging baskets but fleece or move into an unheated glasshouse at night.

*it is a good time to plant ornamental grasses as new roots are produced only in late spring and early summer. Planting them helps to establish the plants quickly.

*spring bulbs have now mostly finished flowering. Dead head but don't cut off the leaves. It is better to let them die naturally as they will continually feed the bulb.

*continue to weed beds. Mulching is a good task as it keeps weeds at bay and helps the soil retain moisture.

*towards the end of the month plant out tomatoes, courgettes and cucumbers into growbags, but remember to water and feed regularly with a high potash fertiliser.

*now is the time for all you pumpkin lovers to sow seeds for Hallowe'en. Try a giant variety and perhaps you could enter it into the local flower show.

Have a great May and happy gardening!
The garden in May

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