Avoid midge mania

It's official: the Scottish Borders is one of the best places in Scotland to come for your holidays this year if you want to avoid the dreaded Scottish midge.

Research has shown that the Highland midge will be even more rampant this summer with numbers projected to increase 800 fold.

The heavy winter snow provided an insulating layer for the larvae protecting them from fierce ground frosts. The Scottish midge web site is predicting rough times ahead for those venturing to the Highlands this year with more risk of attack.

While we can't claim to be entirely midge free in the Scottish Borders - there are a few lurking about in the boggy valleys and in the darkest forests - most parts of the region are bite free and there will be no need to arm yourself with gallons of Avon Skin so Soft which repels the little blighters.
Avoid midge mania

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