Arrival of baby Parker

Leader of Scottish Borders Council David and his wife Ruth Parker are delighted to announce the birth of their first child Angus Edward James Parker.

Angus was born at 16.27 on Tuesday 3 March in Borders General Hospital weighing in at 5lbs 4oz. Mother and baby are both well although, being seven weeks premature, Angus will remain in hospital for a while.

David and Ruth would like to thank all those who have passed on their congratulations and good wishes.

David said: "We are obviously both thrilled and this is a wonderful thing. We would both like to thank all of the staff in the labour suite at the BGH and the special care baby unit for all of their support. It is difficult to find words to express the admiration and respect we have for staff at the hospital. These are very special people who have looked after us and baby in a way that is hard to express."

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